Intoku is a Japanese word, meaning Good done in secret. Sometimes, the most simple act can have the most positive impact on others. I came across this word in 2018, just before my spiritual awakening, and I wanted to incorporate in my everyday life. I wanted to do good deeds, secretly for its own sake without any personal gain. These could be like refilling the boiling water in the kettle for the next person, rather than leaving it empty, holding the door open, paying for a strangers coffee or shopping, buying random people flowers to brighten up their day, or putting 100s of pounds in Christmas cards.. - the list is endless.....
'There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life more beautiful for others"
Henry David Thoreau
However, it's not the bigger acts of kindness, that costs hundreds of pounds, that mattered, what mattered to me was those acts that touched people hearts, I want to leave ripples of kindness in every part of the earth, so people come together, I want to leave a mark embedded in their lives but most importantly their soul, like doing things like giving out crystals, free healing, or naming a star of a passed love one,
but there was only one condition, you have to pay it forward without anything in return.
Intoku, firstly requires a willingness too actively and consciously do good in the knowledge and acceptance of not receiving gratitude. The True marrow of intoku is when we learn to do good work, without desiring praise or something in return we actually librate ourselves, We stop looking for validation and our acts of kindness becomes their own reward.
Emily Esfahani Smith writes in 'The Power of Meaning -
"Anyone in any position can change how they feel and how their co-workers feel, simply by fostering small moments of connection"
Connection is embedded in Intoku, because it encourages humble acts of kindness towards others.
You probably wondering why I am sharing this with you, well I still practise this, once a month I do a small random act of kindness to a stranger totally anonymously, and I want you to share in the knowledge a small percent of the price of anything from my website goes to doing more good deeds....
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Romance Moon